First Light Holiday Celebration 2021
About First Light
For decades Brookline has celebrated “First Light Holiday Celebration.” Prior to the pandemic, this family-friendly event was hosted in our business districts from 5:00 to 8:00 PM to usher in the winter holidays. Individuals and families visited 50 businesses where they enjoyed live entertainment, got giveaways, and sampled food. Visit the First Light website!
Last year we could not gather in businesses due to health concerns. The Chamber moved First Light to an online platform. This year, though many are vaccinated, young school age children are not, and comfort levels vary. We’re hosting a hybrid of online, in-business in-person, and outdoor community gathering.
Participating businesses are responsible for developing their own programming. Hosts must register and fill out the host registration form by the November 1st deadline.
For Entertainers
Are you a Brookline performance group or entertainer? Would you like to participate in First Light but you're not sure where? Fill out this spreadsheet with your information to be matched with a host business!
Window Decorating Contest
Deadline: Tuesday, November 16th
To participate:
Take a selfie at your favorite business' decorated window
Post on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook and tag the business and use #FirstLightBrookline
Blog feature on Discover Brookline
Recognition on the Chamber's Social Media pages
Gifts cards! Including a facial at Dream Spa Medical in Coolidge Corner
Would your business like to contribute a gift card for the Window Decorating Contest?
We'll advertise your business here. Just contact: Debbie@Brookline by Friday, October 22nd, or send the gift card to: Brookline Chamber of Commerce, 251 Harvard Street, #1, Brookline, MA 024446
Options for Business Participation (something for everyone!):
Online offering (like last year)
Online offering and host in person at your business
Online and represent your business at a table at the outdoor gathering
Online, host in person at your business, and presence at the outdoor gathering
Sponsorship Options:
$2,500 – First Light Leader
50 words about your business on First Light registration page
50 words about your business on First Light website
Featured on Discover Brookline blog post about First Light
All sponsor benefits included in First Light Friend - First Light Promoter
$1,500 – First Light Promoter
Logo on Town Kiosk poster
Logo on TAB ads
All sponsor benefits included in First Light Friend - First Light Fan
$750 – First Light Fan
Logo on promotional materials for First Light, including Posters in businesses,Soofa signs, e-newsletters, promotional graphics
Tagged in social media: Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
All sponsor benefits included in First Light Friend
$200 – First Light Friend
Logo on First Light registration page of the Chamber Website
Logo on the First Light website
Free Host Registration at any level
Quick Facts:
First Light is a free community event, where everyone is welcome.
First Light 2020: 1,000 total website sessions on the First Light website, with 741 unique visitors.
Benefits from Chamber’s social media marketing as well as cross promotions from other participating businesses.
Each participating business gets a marketing kit with graphics and language to share.

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST
The window decorating contest begins!
The First Light website goes live with an interactive map and business offerings
Saturday, November 20:
2:00 – 4:00 pm – Visitors are welcome in participating businesses where guests enjoy live entertainment, giveaways, or promotions.
4:00 – 5:00 pm – Gathering outdoors at the Florida Ruffin Ridley School where participating business representatives are at shared tables to provide giveaways or promotions, and live entertainment is presented! Weather permitting - no refunds.
Registration Cost:
$50 Members/$100 Non-Members - online only
$50 Members/$100 Non-Members - in business celebrations (online included)
$50 Members/$100 Non-Members - shared table at outdoor venue (online included)
Double fees for both options.
Deadline: November 1!
Sponsorship Levels: $200, $750, $1,500 or $2,500. See below for more details!