Warrant Articles Pertaining to Businesses Panel
Stay up-to-date on Town Politics! Join the Brookline Chamber of Commerce to learn about Brookline Warrant Articles that could impact your business. Short presentations from Warrant Article petitioners will be moderated by Anne Meyers, Co-chair of the Economic Development Advisory Board. Ask questions, learn more, and be civically engaged in Brookline.
Warrant Articles that Impact Businesses Panel
Wednesday, September 23rd, 9:00 – 10:30 am
Moderator, Anne Meyers, Co-Chair of Brookline’s Economic Development Advisory Board (EDAB). Two of her grandchildren attend BHS.
ARTICLE 14 Submitted by: Anthony Ishak, Kate Silbaugh TMM1, Maura Toomey TMM8, Nancy Daly
- Proposing to 1) increase the minimum age for purchasing tobacco – only people born before 1/1/1976 would be able to purchase tobacco products in Brookline, and 2) eliminates the ability of existing tobacco license holders to transfer their license to a new business owner
ARTICLE 9 Submitted by: Select Board – Presented by Victor Panak, Planner, Town Planning & Community Development Department
- Legalize and regulate some types of short-term rentals
ARTICLE 26 Submitted by: Michael Zoorob, Lara Jarrell, Shira Fischer
- Amend the Zoning By-law to eliminate off-street residential parking minimums in the Transit Parking Overlay District.
Presenter, Michael Zoorob is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Government at Harvard University. Moved to Coolidge Corner in part to live comfortably without a car. Though housing for people like Michael currently exists, our zoning no longer allows it to be built.
ARTICLE 12 Submitted by: Land Bank Study Committee, Heather Hamilton, Chair
- Enable the Town to Accept the Community Preservation Act
ARTICLE 15 Submitted by: Deborah Brown, Arthur Conquest, III, Bob Lepson, Nicole McClelland, Hadassah Margolis, C. Scott Ananian, Bettina Neuefeind, Sean Lynn-Jones, David Lescohier, Bob Schram, Luciana Schachnik and Anne Greenwald
- Increasing Disadvantaged Business Opportunities in the Town of Brookline
ARTICLE 24 - 25 Submitted by: Amie Lindenboim TMM5, Michael Zoorob, Neil Gordon TMM1, Wendy MacMillan TMM4
- Arrange for public notices to also be mailed to tenants and residents of commercial and residential buildings
ARTICLE 38 Submitted by: Select Board, Lisa Cunningham, Jesse Gray, Steven Heiken, Werner Lohe, Paul Saner, Kathleen Scanlon, Cora Weissbourd
- To see if the Town will adopt the following resolution: A Resolution calling for Swift, Just Building Decarbonization in the Commonwealth
Presenter, Kathleen Scanlon is an architect, Town Meeting member pct 3, member of the Select Board Climate Action Committee, and Coordinator of Brookline Mothers Out Front. She was one of the co-petitioners for last year's Warrant Article 21: A Prohibition on Fossil Fuels for Major Construction.
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Wednesday, September 23rd, 9:00 - 10:30 am
Registration required. No fee.
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